8. Kendall From Bever

  • 信息

    The sire of Kendall  is Chatman, who became Champion at the Belgian Championships with Ludo Philippaerts in 2005. He has been really successful with Jody Bosteels till 160m level, and important for Gilles Thomas as a junior horse at the end of his sports carreer.  

    In the Damline some very  talented stallions who showed themselves at 1.60m level.      Nabab de Reve and Quidam de Revel don’t need a lot of explenation.   Nabab de has been really important for Belgium and Philippe Lejeune, and helped to get the bronze team-medal in 2002 in Jerez de La Frontera.   His most famous son Vigo d’Arsouilles, also helped to get the bronze team medal in 2012 in Kentucky.  Nobody will forget the individual gold medal for Vigo and Philippe Lejeune. 

    Kendall 的爸爸是Chatman , Chatman 在2005年与比利时著名奥运骑手Ludo Philipparerts 在比利时国家锦标赛中夺取冠军。 他与骑手Jody Bosteels 在160 级别上取得非常优异的成绩。 同时, Chatman 是Gill Thomas( 比利时著名的青年骑手) 的重要比赛搭档, 作为一匹适合青少年成长进步的骑乘伙伴。

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Nov 5, 2019, 8:44:00 PM

Belgium 卖给

Corofino I
Corrado I
Valeska IV
Lord Calando
Why Me D'01
Nabab de Reve
Quidam de Revel
Melodie En Fa
Pachat II
Coquet V 'T Clerckenshof


拍卖中不包括拍卖成本和增值税! (4% - 21%)

你的出价: 4250,00
部分报价 0%: 0,00
+ 拍卖成本 (4%) : 0,00
小计: 0,00

+ 增值税 (21%) : 0,00
总: 0,00


拍卖中不包括拍卖成本和增值税! (4% - 21%)

你的出价: 4250,00
+ 拍卖成本 (4%) : 170,00
小计: 4420,00

+ 增值税 (21%) : 928,20
总: 5348,20