​Jump in Style for Life … Belgian Horse Trading to support a good cause.

​Jump in Style for Life … Belgian Horse Trading to support a good cause.

Each year, Studio Brussel organises “De Warmste Week” (The Warmest Week) in the week before Christmas...

Belgian Horse Trading is organising these days the auction of the Future Stars, closing on 5th of November.   The BHT Schoolmasters & Youngsters will be sold on November 13th.      More practical information about these auctions in previous news items.  

Belgian Horse Trading has got the knowledge about selling goods/services, and would like to help for Charity.  Here some information about what's coming  soon. 

From 18 to 24 December 2019, Studio Brussel will dedicate their airtime to support hundreds of good causes, covering a whole range of categories from sick children, the battle against lethal or other diseases, music, education, animal care, the environment, human rights etc., while playing the favorite songs of listeners who sent in their requests… in return for them making a donation to a good cause of their choice.  

Facing several close friends and families fighting cancer, local club “Groentenjumping” organized their first charity ever in 2017: “Jump in Style for Life – Kom op tegen Kanker”. Part of the event – this year taking place on December 18th a.k.a. Warmste Woensdag (Warmest Wednesday) – are jumping-clinics with well-known and highly respected successful riders such as Jos Lansink, Niels Bruynseels, Gilles Thomas and Marc Van Dijck, sharing their knowledge with 4 riders each clinic.

As Belgian Horse Trading we want to contribute by offering our online auction-platform to manage the bidding for available spots in the different clinics.

All profit will – off course – go to “Jump in Style for Life – Kom op tegen Kanker ”.

“Jump in Style for Life – Kom op tegen Kanker ” is organized by Groentenjumping, in collaboration with and supported by Stal Ceulemans.

In case you also want to make a donation, you may contact info@belgianhorsetrading.com