5. Limonchello

  • Info

    Limonchello is a 4-year-old stallion by Glenfiddich VDL and Chin Chin.

    His sire Glenfiddich VDL is by the famous Bacardi VDL of Janika Sprunger out of a mare by Corrado I.

    The damsire of Limonchello is the magnificent Chin Chin. He is a very famous sire who took part in two Olympic games and produced numerous Grand Prix horses like Phin Phin, Qerly Chin and Ta Belle van Sombeke. Limonchello’s mother gave already two 1m30 horses.

    Limonchello himself is a treat for the eye. He is a light-footed and athletic stallion with great movements and a balanced canter. He has a lot of scope, is extremely careful on the fence and finishes the jump excellently from behind. Limonchello has a great ride-ability, is easy going and already does flying changes easily.

    Limonchello is a very talented stallion with a bright future ahead of him.

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13 juil. 2020 à 20:55:00

Pologne Vendu à

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Glenfiddich VDL
Bacardi VDL
Tolivia VDL
Corrado I
Chin Chin

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+ Frais de la vente aux enchères (4%) : 780,00
Le subtotal: 20280,00

+ Tva (21%) : 4258,80
Le total: 24538,80