The Anniversary Edition came to an end..
Many thanks for all your support!
The BHT Anniversary Edition has come to an end…
And what a celebration we had… thanks to you: our believers, followers, stables, breeders, sellers and… buyers.
1000x… THANK YOU.
In yesterdays’ news-flash we shared a few facts… although there’s something we’d like to clarify: facts and figures - when positive - are nice to have or talk about, but that’s not what Belgian Horse Trading (BHT) is all about.
We strive to connect people & horse worldwide.
Make people happy…
And achieve that by offering quality and service, at realistic and honest prices.
That makes every opportunity we have to add a pony of horse to our auction-collection, an opportunity… for you!
And we’re very proud having fulfilled that promise - our commitment to you - in just 12 months.
It pleases us to receive ‘thank you’ -messages and ‘success stories’ from happy riders across many countries.
So… once more… thank you all!
And thanks to our team and partners to make this happen.
See you again soon… join the a(u)ction!
We are BHT! We share (y)our passion and fulfill (y)our dreams
Team BHT