5. Tiffany Dwerse Hagen

  • Info

    Tiffany Dwerse Hagen is a 5-year-old mare by Lector van den Bisschop and Coltaire Z.

    Tiffany Dwerse Hagen is a very talented mare. She has a lot of power and jump with a big push from the ground. This mare has a clever technique and is quick with her reflexes. She already gained some experience in the show ring during the STX Cycle for 5-year-olds.

    Tiffany Dwerse Hagen is sired by the 1m60 stallion Lector van den Bisschop. He is a top performer under the saddle of Koen Vereecke and produces very promising horses as well. Tiffany’s dam is Charade de la Roque Z and her granddam is Walloon de Muze (1m60). This means that Tiffany is very closely related to Merveille de Muze Level 1.60m; Exquis Walnut de Muze Level 1.60m; MoM's Werly Chin De Muze Level 1.60m; Toupie de la Roque 1.60m and I could go on for a while.

    Tiffany Dwerse Hagen definitely could follow into the footsteps of her relatives.

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Veiling start in
22/09/2024 09:00:00
5000 Instelprijs

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+ Btw (21%) : 0,00
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Veilingkosten en btw zijn niet bij het bod inbegrepen! (4% - 21%)

Uw bod: 5500,00
+ Veilingkosten (4%) : 220,00
Subtotaal: 5720,00

+ Btw (21%) : 1201,20
Totaal: 6921,20