8 really nice horses in the July Auction, place your bids till 6th of July!

The weekend before closing of the auction, you can come & try the horses after making an appointment.
It has become a good way of working. Trying to find each month between 8 and 12 nice horses to present for the online auction. Also this month, we succeeded in finding some nice competition horses and 1 young horse ready to start working with.
Except on finding on the computer, you can also see & try the horses on the stable in Sint-Katelijne-Waver near Mechelen (Belgium). They will be there the weekend before the auction will close. Please make your appointments on 0032 474 898 552.
Normally the auctions of BHT end on monday evening, just in July we make an exception. The auction will end on Tuesday 6th of July, so you can come to see the horses till Tuesday afternoon.
If you buy one of the horses, there will be an insurance for one year offered by BHT. We work together with insurance company Circles and Q&O.
Any questions about transport possiblities by plane? You can ask European Horse Services, they will give you the necessary information.
Most important the horses.. If you have got specific questions, don't hesitate to contact our experts. They will be pleased to help you.
Patrik Spits (0032 475 46 20 79), Erik De Winter (0032 474 89 87 35) , Jeroen De Winter (0032 477 92 79 73)
Any problem with registration/activation of your account? Or problems with placing a bid, please contact Kristel Ceulemans on 0032 474 898 552.
We would like to thank you for your confidance in Belgian Horse Trading. Best of luck with buying your future horse!