Extra Service, insurance of horses included for 1 year! Partnership with Catherine de Buyl.
More information about the sales conditions and insurance. The first bids have been placed..
The first bids for the selected horses of the BHT Young Competition Horses could be placed starting from yesterday. It's a pleasure to see that so many people have found already their way to this website and the auction/horses. Didn't you decide yet which horse to buy? You can make an appointment to try and see the horses.
It’s important that BHT gives a good service to the buyers of the horses. There is already a good partnership with European Horse Services. No better company to work with, when it comes to exporting the horses by plane.
Another issue to think about, were the sales conditions. Who’s responsable for the horse, from when. You can read all conditions here included. Before making an offer, you have got to accept them. But you can read it carefully. You will find out, that the buyers need to pay 4% (+ 21% VAT) on the price of the horse. It’s a commission that Belgian Horse Trading uses, to buy an insurance for the horse. The horse will be insured from the day after, the horse is being paid to Belgian Horse Trading. For sure, the beneficiary is the buyer of the horse, but the first year, the invoice will be paid by BHT. After that period of time, the owner can decide if they continue with the insurance or not.
We have made an agreement with Insurances Catherine De Buyl, following these condtions:
The basic insurance covers the following risks:
All risks of mortality following to disease and/or accident with reimbursement of 100 % of the insured value
All risks of mortality following to disease or accident during a surgery under total anaesthetics, if this surgery is required to save the horse's live or to avoid a future lameness or disease
Euthanasia for humane reasons
Theft WORLDWIDE territorially, including transits by any possible way even by air
Lightning, electrocution and drowning
Fire, in your own stables as well
Death due to natural disasters
Reimbursement of the hospitalisation and surgery fees due to colic (including inguinal hernia) with a reimbursement of maximum 4.000 € per year and per horse – WITHOUT DEDUCTIBLE, whether the horse had been operated or not
This policy can be extended to the reimbursement of the “HOSPITALISATION FEES DUE TO DISEASES AND ACCIDENTS” subject to the payment of an additional premium
Would you desire to receive the general conditions or have further informations about our insurances, please get in touch via info@debuylinsurance.com!
BHT would like to thank everybody who helped to build out this idea and project. Many thanks for your interest in Belgian Horse Trading, our team will do everything possible to help you to find the right horse/pony for a good price/quality.