Strong together, trying to do the best for both buyers and breeders.

The engine is running, and we're not going to slow down... Next auctions are scheduled for May 26 and June 16...
The engine is running, and we're not going to slow down... Next auctions are scheduled for May 26 and June 16.
Uncertain times, when can we return to competition? Everyone would like to keep busy, make themselves useful, would like to see other people, show their horses to other people, be competitive and try to reach something...
Uncertainty about the timing of restart competitions, related to the way the latest auctions went. Almost all horses have been sold, but some are not sold for the amounts initially hoped for. For example this beautiful mare Indira in the picture. A mare of 12 years old, successful at 1.45m level. Normally we try not to speak too much about the sales prices. Someone who stays online may follow it, and they know the prices. The price of a horse, that is important to know for sellers and buyers of that horse. To know what amounts they will eventually receive or pay. In itself, the rest have no affair with that. It can be useful if you want to get an idea of how the "market" currently works. That is why I want to quote this example to learn from it. Indira was effectively sold for 26,000 euros. You expect more from such a horse. We also expect more from our government, which should allow back competitions asap. Waiting until August 1 to show your new horse on the competition, I am sure people can organize that already sooner in a safe way. According to an Italian study, equestrianism would be among the safest disciplines to practice in these Corona times. Everyone to take responsibility here.
The uncertainty that you will not immediately compete with such a nice mare, or that she may be 13 years old when it actually gets normal, makes the buyers a little more careful, the prices stay too law compared with the quality/experience . The buyer did a good job, he can still have happiness and fun for years to come. And learn a lot from it.
The Chinese riders didn’t sleep at the evening of the auction. The 2 schoolmasters with 1.45m experience Indira and Tarquin will leave to China by the time flights can be organized again. The prices of the younger horses are less affected by this uncertain period. They still have a whole life ahead of them, building up quietly for a few months is no problem. We hope that the pharmaceutical sector will soon have a vaccine, that everything can go back to normal asap.
And yet we must have confidence in the future. In the meantime we have been able to make very nice contacts. We know that those people have bought really good price/quality, which is also good advertisement for the next auctions to come.
The team of Belgian Horse Trading started to work with some breeders who believed in it from the start, a year ago. The last auctions we have become remarkably "wider", because we were also offered more horses from other breeders and owners. The auctions followed quite fast, the one after the other. From March 31 to May 5th, we have effectively sold 39 horses / ponies. A total of 51 were presented at those auctions. We know we have got some happy clients now, and happy breeders who know that their horse arrived at good places.
Meanwhile we got some new horses offered again for next auctions to come. And also this time, really nice ones. For sure we can continue now, because our regular "suppliers" are not getting their horses ready to commercialize that fast. It takes a while to build a horse.. But now we can give extra chance for other breeders to get to know this online auction-system. . Some horses can be added. What are we looking for? We feel that our clients are looking for young horses and competition horses. The young horses of 3 - 4 years old should already be nice to handle. They should show themselves in a good way in freedom. It is necessary that they have class and quality. If these young horses can also be ridden under saddle, that is an added value and we can provide that extra info with more videos. The ridden horses (4 - 12 years), should be easy to ride, and our riders need to have a good feeling after a course that they will ride. Competion videos can be added as more information for each horse. Our riders need to feel that the horse can please someone. Not complicated, just ready to compete with an amateur rider. Horses that are good enough for the pros will also be auctioned, that's how we like it. For every rider, we will have horses in the auction.
Preparations have already started for the next auction, which closes on Tuesday 26 May. We already have horses / ponies in mind for the auction on Tuesday June 16. An additional 3 horses can be added to the auction on 26 May. An additional 10 may be accepted for the auction on June 16.
If you are interested in offering a horse or pony, don't hesitate. We are not going to go for the masses, it must remain achievable. If you would like our conditions of how we work, please contact Kristel Ceulemans via Whatsapp 0032 474 898 552, or by mail: Then you get the extended terms. For the horses themselves: please email some videos with a copy of the studbook paper and extra info at, or via whatsapp to Erik De Winter: 0032 474 89 87 35, Patrik Spits 0032 475 46 20 79.
It now comes down to joining forces. There are still buyers who are looking for nice horses, to us to help to bring the right horse to the right place.