9. Courchevel DH Z

Ended on

Dec 6, 2022, 7:45:00 PM

Belgium Sold to

Cornet Obolensky
Corrado I
Urte I
Rabanna van Costersveld
Holivia van Costersveld
Carrera de Muze
Lugano van La Roche
Walnut de Muze
Nabab de Reve
Qerly Chin

Make your bid

Auction costs and vat are not included in the bid! (4% - 21%)

Your bid: 4750,00
Partial offer 0%: 0,00
+ Auction costs (4%) : 0,00
Subtotal: 0,00

+ Vat (21%) : 0,00
Total: 0,00

Make your bid

Auction costs and vat are not included in the bid! (4% - 21%)

Your bid: 4750,00
+ Auction costs (4%) : 190,00
Subtotal: 4940,00

+ Vat (21%) : 1037,40
Total: 5977,40